Advice on how to improve a child or young person’s asthma experience

Date Released - 06/09/2022

PARENTS and carers in Tameside are being given advice on how they can help to improve their child or young person’s asthma experience.

Tameside Integrated Care Partnership is backing this year’s #AskAboutAsthma campaign, running from 12-18 September, by highlighting the importance of making simple changes to children and young people’s care that will make a big difference to how they experience their asthma.

The campaign is now in its 6th year, running ahead of the rise in asthma attacks in September when students go back to school after their summer holidays.  This year the campaign highlights the additional challenges caused by inequalities in care for children and young people with asthma and how these can be addressed.

The following advice is being given to:

  1. Put an asthma action plan in place.
  2. Understand how to use inhalers correctly.
  3. Schedule an asthma review – every year and after every attack.
  4. Consider air pollution and its impact on lung health – ensure that every asthma conversation considers indoor and outdoor air pollution.


Asthma is the most common long-term medical condition affecting children and young people.  1 in 11 are affected by the condition, with over 20,000 admitted to hospital every year in England. Over 4% of these have such a severe episode that they are admitted to intensive care.

Nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter and other forms of air pollution are known triggers for asthma and poor health more widely, particularly in children and young people.

While COVID-19 is not thought to be a particular risk for children and young people with asthma, good asthma control and avoidance of unnecessary emergency department attendances are more important than ever.

Please help share the message to get even more people involved and informed to #AskAboutAsthma.

For more information on the campaign week schedule go to

Dr Ashwin Ramachandra, Strategic Clinical Lead for Integrated Care at Tameside Integrated Care Partnership said: “We do not have to wait for new medicines or a cure for asthma.  We need to educate and support everyone treating or supporting children and young people with asthma to use these tools and work together to achieve improved outcomes.”